Home mover scheme

Lioncourt homes

To move into a Lioncourt home, you’ll usually need to sell your existing property first. We understand that this isn’t always as straightforward as it might be – and so we’re on hand to help.

A Lioncourt new-build offers real advantages for homebuyers. These include our signature high-quality materials and specifications, a focus on contemporary living, and unrivalled energy efficiency. Our Home Mover Scheme is designed to make accessing these Lioncourt advantages all the easier.

We’ll arrange independent, professional valuations of your existing property, and agree a sale price with you. We’ll instruct the estate agent and liaise with you about viewings. And, once the property is sold and contracts exchanged, we’ll even pay the agent’s fees.

a mother, father and child watching something together at home

As soon as we’ve agreed that sale price, we’ll accept your reservation fee and reserve your Lioncourt home. And the estate agents we work with know how to sell, so you’ll be moved in before you know it.

We believe in making high-quality, contemporary homes a reality for as many buyers as possible. Our Home Mover Scheme is one way we achieve this for families and homebuyers across the country. Call one of our sales teams today to discuss your options.

Agreements are reviewed every six weeks after a property is placed on the market. Either party may withdraw from the transaction at this time. You will not be responsible for any estate agent fees. Terms, conditions and eligibility criteria apply.

double oven in the linden kitchen
mirror on the wall of a linden home
yellow sofa with a large lamp beside it
small office area with a desk and yellow chair
picture of bathroom in linden home
bedroom in linden home